Thursday 13 March 2014

106 Word Challenge Macy and Sophie

Sophie & Macy

It all began on that cold, windy, horrific evening when Peter and Margret were cooking chicken noodles in a cup. Margaret was slowly and steadily lifting the lid off of the delicious noodles that she wanted to eat so badly, her temptation was getting to her. But when she lifted the lid she froze and said  “Oh... my... gosh. It's even more yummy than it smells like'. Her heart was beating so fast she couldn’t control it, she got her her metal, giant fork ready for the scrumptious feast, she scooped noodles out of the cup. They turned out disgustingly horrible.

1 comment:

  1. A great entry into this week’s 100 WC Marcy and Sophie! What great ideas. You have used the prompt well. Your sentences are well written and not too long. I also like the word ‘scrumptious’, I am planning on sharing your work with my class. Keep up your writing.
