Thursday 13 March 2014

106 Word Challenge Jordan and Brylee

‘But When She Lifted The Lid’

Dear Roselyn,
I told her and told her not to even TOUCH! the jar. That jar belonged to our Great Grandma who came from a secret association that worked under the New York City drainage of.. nobody knows. She dragged it out, scratching the wooden floor, from under Mother's bed and stared at it with her mouth wide open, wanting to know more. So she opened it, but when she lifted the lid... she saw a note at the bottom of the jar and it had some kind of magic word, so she whispered it and the world slowly ended!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, this is terrible. The world's end is in the hands of a female who won't follow instructions! And can't mind her own business and pokes around under her mothers bed! I felt a sense of frustration and had a feeling I should have done something to save the world. (Although I'm nit sure what.) This is an interesting response to the 100WC. Well done.
