Mrs Binnie started off by telling us what our challenge was, which was to construct a raincoat that had to protect us from Lusi the storm. Then she told us which things we were allowed to have for the challenge. We needed: 4 plastic bags, 6 paperclips, 1 roll of cello-tape and 1 piece of colored paper.
We were put into groups of three to five. We started off designing in our heads what/how we were going to make our raincoat and what it was going to look like. We had to include… A hoodie that had to fully cover our head and a pocket that had to hold a phone. There had to be no gaps and had to fully cover our shoulders and torso.
We chose the smallest person in our group so that the plastic bags could cover most of her body.
We fitted the first plastic bag over her shoulders and also her waist. We cut another plastic bag in half and used that for the sleeves, and last but not least, we put a plastic bag over her head (not covering the face!) to represent the hoodie.
We covered up the gaps with the left over plastic from the bags and paper-clipped the hoodie to the shoulders.
We only had half an hour to complete our raincoat so everyone was in a bit of a mad rush!
After time was up we packed up all the mess we made and made our way to the floor.
We left a gap in the middle of the floor to represent the cat-walk
and at the end Mrs Binnie waited with a camera to take the models picture… We had a lot of fun making and designing our very own raincoat! There were a few disagreements but it all worked out to be a great experience.
By Sara Stephenson & Sam Webber