Monday 18 November 2013

Room 8 Nydia Bay Camp!!!

On the 4th of November 2013 it was finally time for room 8 to go on school camp! The destination we were heading to was Nydia Bay in the Marlborough Sounds. But first, to get there we had a 1 and a half hour bus ride, and a 1 and a half hour boat ride, which meant a LONG day ahead of us! 

First of all, when everyone arrived in room 8 at 8:30am on Monday, Mrs Binnie, Ms Mannix, and all 4 camp parents were flat out packing gear, and sorting the last minute things to do/take on camp! Once everything was sorted we had to take our big pack, and our day bag down to the bus which was waiting for us outside the front of the school! The bus driver, Jack, loaded all of the big packs into the bus, and the day bags, we took on with us. 
Here is a photo of us inside the bus!
Here is a photo of us loading all of our gear onto the boat.                                             
After the bus ride, once again it was time to unload everything, and to carry it onto the boat, named the Gallieo. Georgia S was lucky enough to be taught how to drive the boat, also she got to sit on the high chair where the driver of the boat would usually sit! Everyone seemed to enjoy the ride, and the 1 and a half hours on it seemed to go rather quickly!

When we finally arrived at Nydia Bay we had to unload all of the gear off the boat, this part took the longest as the lodge was 800 meters away, which was uphill too! As soon as everything was up at the lodge, we sat down and had our lunch! Then we all got to know the place, we set up our bunk-rooms etc. After that,we headed off for a short walk to the beach, where we looked for different sea creatures, we found fish, starfish, scallops, oysters, and tons of mussels! We even discovered that Georgia H is Room 8's female version of Bear Grylls!! She ate a sea-worm, a mussel, oyster, scallops, and even a fish eye - all raw!

Our other highlights of the week was doing the activity rotations! They were: Fishing, Kayaking, Hobo Stove Cooking and Bivouac Building. We also liked going swimming and jumping off the jetty!

 Nydia Bays  island, which Jewel, Hannah and Georgia swam to!

Kayaking with Don

A special breakfast each morning!
Georgia is the boat driver!
Hannah got tipped in!
Female version of Bear Grylls!
Bacon Eating Purple Turtles Bivouac!
Kim loves marshmallows! 

Amber having to eat flour because she got a 'BLONDE' award!

Peanut Butter and Mayo face mask!

Ms Mannix acting as a vampire for Camp Cluedo!

Mrs Binnie lending a hand to pack up!
We made a unique new friend!
                                         Excited Room 8 on the boat!                                                                           

Kaden wearing Hannah's Onesie!                                      
Out the front of the boat, knowing we are almost there!

Room 8 rocks!
The big walk!
The jetty that we walked to
Hannah and Amber sorting out bait!
Bella and Hannah cooking pancakes on the Hobo Stove
Olivia and Clayton ready to go Kayaking!
Hannah jumps of the jetty!
Chealsea has been swimming!

When doing the walk we even got to cross a river!
Waiting for the fish to bite!
                            Emily and Jackson doing the toilet duty!