We have been doing some rock climbing in the school hall.Mr J told us the things we
must have under control to keep ourselves safe so we don't fall off the wall.
These are the steps we must follow:
*Have two partners, one belayer, the second one holds the belayers harness so that they don't fly off to the top of the wall and of course someone to climb..
*Make sure you and your belayer have your harness on tightly around the waist and fitting comfortably round your thighs. *When you clip on make sure you (the climber) has one of the carabina's facing inwards and one facing outwards. Also its best to have your hair tied up so you don't get it caught
*Your belayer just clips their carabina on any way because they only need one.
* Make sure your belayer has the Grigri facing towards your belly button.
*You need to check each other very carefully because you don't want to get the harness bit wrong or else it may cause trouble further up the wall.
*Next you pull the rope tightly so that when you start climbing you have support, then when you fall you won't break any bones.
*When you are ready to climb face the wall and say "Ready to climb" and when your belayer's ready they will say "Ready"
*Now that you've gone as far up the wall that you feel like, you'll say "Ready to come down" and your belayer will say "Ready" and you lean back without hands on the wall and put your feet on the wall and you'll slowly come down.
*As for the belayer you must slowly pull the lever left and down, but if at any time during this procedure you pull it too hard and they come zooming down instantly, release the lever, that will stop them from falling.
*When you have finished climbing untighten your harness and take it off.
*Those are the important rules to follow
The Enjoyment of our Awesome Experience…
The way we ended up doing rock climbing with Room 8 is one day the class was in the library and Sam asked if we could do rock climbing. Everyone thought that was an awesome idea and so Mrs Binnie booked us on the rock climbing wall right away.
We all went to the hall and Mr J taught us all how to attach the harness and take it off, we also learnt how to be a belayer by
keeping the rope tight when the person is climbing. Dayla also added heaps of extra tips.
We all got into lines picked by the teacher and the first person from each line got to climb first,
the second person from each line was the belayer, then the third person from each line was the
second belayer who holds the first belayer. Everybody got a turn at each one.
{------- BY DAYLA
AND ISABEL --------}