We started with the petri dishes by adding a cm of Luke warm water into it, then we added two drops of white vinegar to it. Then Mrs. Binnie told us we needed to choose six Jelly Beans of the same colour. We had to get a cloth that we were trying to dye. We had the choice of putting the cloth on top of the Jelly Beans or underneath.
My group decided to use the colour yellow. We put the jelly beans on top of the material and waited to see what would happen. We had to wait 3 minutes before putting the material on a paper towel.
The colour yellow didn't have a very good effect because it wasn't a very strong colour.
Since we got to change something in the experiment we decided to change from just one colour of jelly beans to multi-coloured and the effect was better than we thought.
The idea of this was to teach us about fair testing. We had to change one aspect of the investigation only, such as the colour of the Jelly Beans, or how much vinegar we put in, or the temperature of the water etc. We chose to change the colour of the Jelly Beans to multi-colour. Fair testing is about changing one thing and seeing the difference in what it has done. Fair Testing can also be when you're doing a time experiment that you do every thing the same.
We found out that purple and pink were very strong colours and made a very strong mark on the material I really enjoyed the whole thing!
By Georgia and Sammie