Thursday, 26 May 2011

Wacky Wednesday at B.I.S

On Wednesday the 25th of May 2011 Broadgreen Intermediate had a wacky dress up day !
There were prizes for the best dressed costume. The prizes for the top three were blocks of Cadbury Chocolate! Yummy! 
The House Captains were the judges for the prize giving. They all got to choose one person each to be picked as a contestant for the top three. And then when they had all choosen one person each, Mrs Gully (The Deputy Principal) choose the first, second and third place getters.
The third place getter was dressed in a big chicken suit!
The second place getter was Shilah (she is in our very own class, Room 8). She was a very wacky one indeed, she was wearing bright fish net stockings, a tutu, a leotard with massive teased pony tails with lots of acsessories!
The first place getter was dressed in her PJ's and a Superman costume underneath, she looked awesome.

Wacky Wednesday was so much fun! There were so many amazing costumes. One of the most popular costumes were the one piece, they are PJ's. Man they are warm and snuggly! Thanks for reading about Broadgreen Intermediate's Wacky Wednesday.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Amazing Fifeshire Dry Ice Experiment!!!

On Friday morning, 13/5/11, Room 7 and 8 did an experiment on Dry Ice! 

Question: What will happen when we put Dry Ice in water? Warm water? Cold water???

To see whether Dry Ice changes form in water. To see if the water temperature makes a difference.

To proceed the experiment we needed:
-A cup of warm water
-A cup of cold water
-A container big enough to put in both cups + extra space
-Dry Ice Cubes
-Dish washing liquid
-Red food colouring
-Long Tongs

(Kimberley's) Hypothesis:
The Ice will stay dry but steam up.

We needed the method what was it....

1. First of all we put the 2 cups of water in the container on top of a table.
2. Next Miss Rodman got the Tongs and picked up a cube of Dry Ice and put it into the Cold water.
3. She put a cube of Ice in the Warm water.
4. Miss Rodman repeated steps 2 and 3 until all the Ice was in the Warm or Cold water!
5. Next she added Red Food  Colouring to both mixtures (Cups of water).
6. After the Red food colouring had been added Miss Rodman included the Dish washing Liquid.


Kimberley saw that when the ice went into the cold water it started steaming then bubbling. When the ice went into the hot water it steamed up then started frothing, with a bit of bubbling.

Kimberley's Hypothesis was correct because the ice stayed dry but steamed up at the start.

By Kimberley and Kacey.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Study Ladder Interactive Maths Website!

This term Room 8 has been introduced to a maths programme called StudyLadder. It is a website to help us develop our maths skills. The website is

The aim of this website is to get more practise time on our Maths learning and Basic Facts.

We each have our own user name and password to log on with. When we have logged on we find some set activities and goals. The activities are set for our group skill. We only get to do two a day because of the site. But at school we only have to do one each so we can do one at home.

Once we have finished our activity we get to go on to games. The games are addition, multiplication,  division and subtraction.There are also Literacy games like Spelling Bee. All of these games are really fun yet educational. 

When you go on Study ladder you get an Avatar and you can edit it to make it look like yourself. You can change the colour of it's hair, eyes, skin, and top. Also you can pick you own logo for your top. It is a very fun way to learn maths.

In this website you get an alien pet that grows and becomes your friend. You also get a rewards room that you can decorate in lots of different ways. You earn money by playing games and doing activities. When you have enough money you can buy decorations, toys and pets for your room from the shop. Also we get certificates that get put up in our virtual rewards room.

Every two weeks Miss Rodman gives us ten new activities for each group and will sometimes leave a comment.

By Olivia.H & Grace.H