Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Rugby World Cup Rush!!

In Room 8 we  made posters for the All Blacks supporting our own New Zealand team. Some people drew the All Blacks and others drew the New Zealand flag.
In our class we have the flags of the world; Canada, France, Japan, Tonga, Argentina, England, Romania, Georgia, Scotland, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Russia, USA, Fiji,  Namibia, Samoa, South Africa, Wales and our own home team New Zealand.
So far our All Blacks have won against Tonga and Japan.

Likes the All Blacks because they have really good team players (Sonny Bill Williams).

Likes the All Blacks all the way because she is a New Zealander and she's proud of it. She likes  Daniel Carter.

Likes the All Blacks because they are a very strong team and they are in New Zealand so it's their turn to win.

Likes the Azzurri (Blues), Italian team. because Italy is his favorite foriegn country.

Supports England Rugby Union because it is her home country and the people over there are awesome.

68 % of the class support the All Blacks.
4 %  of the class support Scotland.
4%  of the class support Samoa.
4 % of the class support England.
4 % of the class support Italy.
8 % of the class support Ireland.
8 % of the class support Canada.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Our Wacky Technology challenge

On the 10th and 11th of August 2011 Room 8 had a Technology Challenge. We had to make a Waka.  We got separated into groups of 4-5. The rules were that the Waka needed to have sturdy sides, fit at least one person and to form the shape of a Waka. To make the Waka we got given 30 sheets of newspaper and 30 ice block sticks and a roll of Sellotape.

The race was on...!!

Most people started with making the bottom of the Waka with newspaper, after that we needed to make the sides, with either rolled up newspaper or folded newspaper. To make them sturdy we used the ice-block sticks around the sides. We finished just before the bell rang so we had to judge our Waka's the next day.

The next morning Miss Rodman said to the class "Ok, lets judge our Waka's." So one person in each group went into the back room to get their Waka. Then they all decided who was going to sit in the Waka and who was going to explain what they did during the process of making their Waka. Once everyone had explained what they did Miss Rodman judged our Waka's. Max's group won because they had sturdy sides, had the shape of a Waka and also could fit Max into their Waka.

We had a great time making our Waka's and we all cant wait for our next Technology Challenge.

By Josh and Mikayla.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Red Sock day!!

 By Leah and Jack M!!

Sir Peter Blake liked to wear his Red Socks for good luck. During the America's Cup Challenge in 1995 New Zealand supported the boat by putting on  their own lucky red socks.  The Sir Peter Blake Trust encourages schools to celebrate Leadership Day and the memory of Sir Peter Blake!!

Last Friday much of BIS and New Zealand put on their own red socks in celebration of Sir Peter Blake and supporting the leaders in our school. Everyone was encouraged to wear red socks to show appreciation for all the leaders and people who want to be leaders all over New Zealand. The Friday before Room 8's class leader told the school about Sir Peter Blake and what he did to become a hero in our country! Here are some photos of BIS showing their support!!
(from Left) Mr Johnstone, Mr Lucic and Mrs Gully Showing their support for the leaders in our school!!!
(in both Pictures) BIS wearing their red socks!!!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Fair Testing

Monday 30th May 2011:

Room 7, 8 and Mr J went over the rules of 'Fair Testing'.
With a five cent piece and an eye dropper we tested how many drops of water would fit on the coin. There were 51 drops of water in the end on the coin before the waters' skin broke.
Most of our estimations were right. We could guess 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, or 20+ drops of water.

What made the experiment a fair test
 It was a fair test because we kept the height of the dropper the same and the coin was kept on a flat surface.                                                                      

 The Equipment Used:

  • 1x Eye Dropper 
  • 1x 5c Coin
  • 1x Desk
  • 1x glass cup of water 
  • Hypothesis
Fair testing...

Fair testing is where you keep everything the same, except you change only one variable each time you do a new experiment.

    Wednesday 1 June
    Room 8 went to the Science lab today and did an experiment with jelly beans, yummy! We all got into groups of three and got a small container. We filled it with water and vinegar then put our jelly beans in. We also put a piece of cloth in it.
    Can coloured jelly beans dye a piece of cloth?

    We did two experiments changing one variable in the second test. E.g Colour of jelly beans, amount or type of vinegar. 
    We all brought the containers back to the class and put the containers into the back room. We left them there for a few days and most of the cloth ended up dyed.


    Thursday, 26 May 2011

    Wacky Wednesday at B.I.S

    On Wednesday the 25th of May 2011 Broadgreen Intermediate had a wacky dress up day !
    There were prizes for the best dressed costume. The prizes for the top three were blocks of Cadbury Chocolate! Yummy! 
    The House Captains were the judges for the prize giving. They all got to choose one person each to be picked as a contestant for the top three. And then when they had all choosen one person each, Mrs Gully (The Deputy Principal) choose the first, second and third place getters.
    The third place getter was dressed in a big chicken suit!
    The second place getter was Shilah (she is in our very own class, Room 8). She was a very wacky one indeed, she was wearing bright fish net stockings, a tutu, a leotard with massive teased pony tails with lots of acsessories!
    The first place getter was dressed in her PJ's and a Superman costume underneath, she looked awesome.

    Wacky Wednesday was so much fun! There were so many amazing costumes. One of the most popular costumes were the one piece, they are PJ's. Man they are warm and snuggly! Thanks for reading about Broadgreen Intermediate's Wacky Wednesday.

    Wednesday, 18 May 2011

    The Amazing Fifeshire Dry Ice Experiment!!!

    On Friday morning, 13/5/11, Room 7 and 8 did an experiment on Dry Ice! 

    Question: What will happen when we put Dry Ice in water? Warm water? Cold water???

    To see whether Dry Ice changes form in water. To see if the water temperature makes a difference.

    To proceed the experiment we needed:
    -A cup of warm water
    -A cup of cold water
    -A container big enough to put in both cups + extra space
    -Dry Ice Cubes
    -Dish washing liquid
    -Red food colouring
    -Long Tongs

    (Kimberley's) Hypothesis:
    The Ice will stay dry but steam up.

    We needed the method what was it....

    1. First of all we put the 2 cups of water in the container on top of a table.
    2. Next Miss Rodman got the Tongs and picked up a cube of Dry Ice and put it into the Cold water.
    3. She put a cube of Ice in the Warm water.
    4. Miss Rodman repeated steps 2 and 3 until all the Ice was in the Warm or Cold water!
    5. Next she added Red Food  Colouring to both mixtures (Cups of water).
    6. After the Red food colouring had been added Miss Rodman included the Dish washing Liquid.


    Kimberley saw that when the ice went into the cold water it started steaming then bubbling. When the ice went into the hot water it steamed up then started frothing, with a bit of bubbling.

    Kimberley's Hypothesis was correct because the ice stayed dry but steamed up at the start.

    By Kimberley and Kacey.

    Wednesday, 4 May 2011

    Study Ladder Interactive Maths Website!

    This term Room 8 has been introduced to a maths programme called StudyLadder. It is a website to help us develop our maths skills. The website is www.studyladder.co.nz.

    The aim of this website is to get more practise time on our Maths learning and Basic Facts.

    We each have our own user name and password to log on with. When we have logged on we find some set activities and goals. The activities are set for our group skill. We only get to do two a day because of the site. But at school we only have to do one each so we can do one at home.

    Once we have finished our activity we get to go on to games. The games are addition, multiplication,  division and subtraction.There are also Literacy games like Spelling Bee. All of these games are really fun yet educational. 

    When you go on Study ladder you get an Avatar and you can edit it to make it look like yourself. You can change the colour of it's hair, eyes, skin, and top. Also you can pick you own logo for your top. It is a very fun way to learn maths.

    In this website you get an alien pet that grows and becomes your friend. You also get a rewards room that you can decorate in lots of different ways. You earn money by playing games and doing activities. When you have enough money you can buy decorations, toys and pets for your room from the shop. Also we get certificates that get put up in our virtual rewards room.

    Every two weeks Miss Rodman gives us ten new activities for each group and will sometimes leave a comment.

    By Olivia.H & Grace.H

    Tuesday, 12 April 2011

    Our Thingamees

    These are a few of our Thingamees, we drew them and made a profile for them; Favourite food, Favourite place, Favourite drink, Favourite colour, Favourite music, Hobbies, Fears, Dislikes, Date of Birth, Name, Family, Lives and Where from , then we made them out of plasticine.

    This is Fatman, Fatman is from Russia. Fatman likes cheese, lard and cake, Fatman's favorite drink is coke. Fatman's favourite colour is black. Fatman's fears are sports, healthy foods and skinny people. Fatman was born on 7/6/76 . Fatman's 35 years old. Fatman's favourite music is Reggae. Fatman idolizes Bob Marley.

    This is Cookie Monster. Cookie Monster is a Boy. He is 3 years old. His family are ; Elmo , Big Bird, Oscar, and all the Sesame Street peeps. He lives on Sesame Street. From the TV , Favourite food; Cookies, Favourite drink; Milk, Favourite place; Sesame Street , favourite color; blue,  Favourite music; alphabet songs, counting to ten songs, Hobbies; Hanging out with friends, Eating and Sitting.
    Likes Cookies and being on TV and singing . Dislikes ; scary movies ,chickens, cereal and tangelos.

    This is Spongineter. Spongineter is a Girl. She is 5. Her Family is; Spongebob Squarepants, Momma Sponge, Papa Sponge and Baby Sponge. Lives in Cloud vill, From Bikini Bottom, D.O.B 24/12/2006.
    Favourite foods are Roast Pork and veggies. Favourite Place is Wellington. Favourite drink is chocolate thick-shake, Favourite colour is blue, favourite music is Bruno mars ; Just The Way You Are and Grenade. Hobbies are hanging out with friends. Fears are heaps of sun. Dislikes are tuna, Sun, Milk,Pink, green, purple and Justin Bieber songs.

    This is Shonalisa, She is 16, Shonalisa is a girl, She has two sisters and one brother and both her parents. She's from London so she's got the most amazing accent.

                                                        We had fun making these!
                                                             And there's lots more!

    Monday, 11 April 2011

    Today we made our blog

    Today we made a blog with the help of Mr Luke it was cool.

    By Jess and Ollie